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Mini PSWC 2k18 (11.18.2018)
Mini PSWC returns! ASCE LA YMF hosted the event at Hansen Dam near CSUN. The events included Mystery Event, Kan Jam and Volleyball...

A Tale of 3 Peaks
This fun and short 3-mile hike was a great way to start of the cooler weather in the sun. We got to see the Wisdom Tree, go to the...

2018 Student Mixer
On the night of November 3 located at the heart of the USC campus, occured the Annual Student Chapter Mixer. USC hosted the event and...

Girl Scouts Day at Cal Poly Pomona
Girl Scouts Day was hosted at Cal Poly Pomona on Saturday, November 10, 2018. The event included a panel of student engineers and a young...

Diego Rivera Learning Center Dreams Big!
Monica Morales visited Diego Rivera Learning Center's STEAM Magnet school to share about her engineering career path from elementary...
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