2024-2025 asce la ymf
Executive board Nominees
Thank you for taking the time to vote for the 2024-2025 ASCE LA YMF Executive Board.
Please review the candidates for each position and cast your vote by clicking the button below.
Voting will close on
monday, June 24th at 11:59 PM
Matthew jacobson
Kimley-Horn and Associates
Vision Statement
ASCE has provided me so much more beyond professional benefits; it is where I have made some of my best friends and found a home during my undergraduate journey. Over the past seven years, I have really enjoyed advancing my professional development and building life-long relationships through ASCE begging from my student chapter experience and continuing as a professional.
Transitioning to a working professional I wanted to continue developing relationships with young engineers, help others with their careers, and advance the profession of civil engineering with ASCE LA YMF. Continuing to support our YMF with large annual events such as Student Night and Job Fair (SNJF), Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition (PSBC), and Golf Tournament continue to inspire me to give back to our civil engineering community.
I want ASCE to become your resource, your home, and your family as you set the foundations for your careers. I would love to help ASCE LA YMF do this by improving its strategic communications, building on its steadfast success, and achievements. After learning how to operate virtually through the pandemic, I believe it is more important than ever to enhance our digital communications. We must build an even stronger brand through improved visibility and become the go-to resource for communication and tools. Use of social media and digital resources must remain effective and up-to-date and evolve to amplify our relevance in a rapidly changing world. My greatest ambition is to spark leadership and enthusiasm in not only our ASCE members but people outside of civil engineering to understand the importance our profession has on society. I would be honored to serve you and our peers to advance our careers, strengthen our profession, and expand ASCE horizons.
ASCE Board/Committees/Positions
ASCE Committee on Younger Members (CYM)
Chair-Elect, 2024-Present
Member, 2021-2024
ASCE Governing Documents Committee (GDC)
Member, 2021-Present
ASCE Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch (MLAB)
Treasurer, 2022-Present
Newsletter Chair, 2021-2022
ASCE LA Younger Member Forum (YMF)
Vice-President, 2022-2023
Secretary, 2022-2023
Student Night & Job Fair (SNJF) Co-Chair, 2021-2022
Cal Poly Pomona ASCE Student Chapter (CPP ASCE)
Practitioner Advisor, 2021-Present
Past-President, 2020-2021
President, 2019-2020
Alumni Relations Chair, 2018-2019
Events Chair, 2017-2018
ASCE Student Presidential Group (SPG)
Chair, 2020-2021
Vice-Chair, 2019-2020
ASCE Society-Level Student Ambassador, 2019-2021
Other Applicable Volunteer Activities
Member, American Public Works Association | 2022-Present
Member, Intelligent Transportation Society of California (ITSCA) | 2022-Present
Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers | 2021-Present
Member, National Society of Professional Engineers | 2021-Present
2023 ASCE LA Section Outstanding YMF Officer
2023 ASCE MLAB Outstanding YMF Officer
2022 ASCE MLAB Outstanding Branch Officer
2022 ASCE MLAB Outstanding Practitioner Advisor
2021 ASCE Society-Level William H. Wisely Civil Engineer Award
2021 ASCE Region 9 Outstanding Civil Engineering Student
2020 ASCE LA Section Outstanding Civil Engineering Student
2020 ASCE SB/R Branch Outstanding Civil Engineering Student
2020 ASCE Society-Level Student Leadership Award
2020 ASCE New Faces of Civil Engineering - Collegiate Edition
2024 ASCE Outstanding Large Younger Member Group - LA YMF
2024 ASCE Region 9 Distinguished Student Chapter
2024 ASCE Robert Ridgeway Award Finalist - 2024 Richard J. Scranton Outstanding Community Service Award
2023 ASCE Outstanding Large Younger Member Group - LA YMF
2023 ASCE CYM Outstanding Younger Member Group in Digital Outreach - LA YMF
2023 ASCE Region 9 Distinguished Student Chapter - CPP ASCE - 2022 ASCE Outstanding Large Younger Member Group - LA YMF
2022 ASCE Robert Ridgeway Award Finalist - CPP ASCE
2022 ASCE Region 9 Distinguished Student Chapter - CPP ASCE
2022 ASCE Certificate of Commendation - CPP ASCE
2021 ASCE Region 9 Distinguished Student Chapter - CPP ASCE
2021 ASCE Certificate of Commendation - CPP ASCE
2020 ASCE Certificate of Commendation - CPP ASCE
2019 ASCE Certificate of Commendation - CPP ASCE
vice President
metehan gumustekin
TKE Engineering, Inc.
Vision Statement
My personal vision is to live a purposeful and fulfilling life guided by my values and aspirations with a deep sense of gratitude along the way. ASCE has provided me with the support that I needed to pursue a fulfilling journey, and allowed me to grow to be the individual that I am today. I have been involved in the LA YMF Board for the past 5 years, and although my responsibilities have varied, my commitment and passion for this organization have increased over the years . As the current secretary for the fiscal year 2023-2024, Ihave successfully kept LA YMF’s communication efforts to a high standard. I have been responsible for social media posts, and weekly newsletters that are delivered to over 4,000 engineers in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Previously, I have served as the Co-Chair for Professional Development where I delivered over 16 technical tours, workshops, and webinars that had an average attendance of 25 people. Along with my Co-Chair, we were able to support more than 600 individuals over the past year with their professional development goals. This experience not only solidified my vision for ASCE LA YMF, but also strengthened our committee's mission. Through my leadership and communication skills, I have been able to connect with professionals who worked on large infrastructure projects, and in return have them host invaluable technical presentations that were well received by our community. I'm an advocate of sustainability, and I’ve been very vocal about preserving our core values and representing our organization at the conferences organized by ASCE Nationals. With my passion for helping the civil engineering community is constantly growing, I’m excited to announce my nomination for the executive board this upcoming year, and take on a new challenge.
As Vice President, my vision is to provide strong leadership and strategic direction that drives organizational excellence, fosters innovation, and promotes sustainable growth in our membership. I envision a future within ASCE LA YMF where our members will thrive as a dynamic and agile force. I am committed to assisting my future president and president-elect as deemed necessary to fulfill their duties, and residing over the board to organize general, and special meetings in the absence of the president or president-elect. In addition, I will be overseeing quality control for all publications such as weekly announcements, event announcements, web-postings, and content of the ASCE LA YMF website while also assisting my fellow board members in achieving their committee goals for the 2024-2025 ASCE year. I will do everything in my power to guide LA YMF and strive to ensure that our members feel empowered and collectively benefiting from what we accomplish as a powerful group.
ASCE Board/Committees/Positions
ASCE Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch, Vice President 2023-2024
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, Secretary 2023-2024
ASCE Region 9 Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) Committee, K-12 Co-Chair 2023-2024
ASCE Los Angeles Section Sustainability Committee, Board Member 2023-2024
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, Professional Development Co-Chair, 2022-2023
ASCE Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch, Membership Chair 2022-2023
ASCE Los Angeles Section Sustainability Committee, Board Member 2022-2023
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, Professional Development Co-Chair 2021-2022
ASCE Los Angeles Section Sustainability Committee, Board Member 2021-2022
ASCE Los Angeles Section Sustainability Committee, Board Member 2020-2021
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, Sustainable Engineering Co-Chair 2020-2021
American Society of Civil Engineers, San Diego State University Chapter, Membership Chair 2017-2018
American Society of Civil Engineers, San Diego State University Chapter, APWA Liaison 2017-2018
American Society of Civil Engineers, San Diego State University Chapter, Jeopardy Competition Captain (PSWC) 2017-2018
American Society of Civil Engineers SDSU Chapter, College of Engineering Council Rep. 2016-2017
Other Applicable Volunteer Activities
Region 9, California Infrastructure Symposium 2023, San Diego California
Region 9, California Infrastructure Symposium 2023, San Diego California
Region 9, Sacramento Legislative Fly-In 2023
Project Monarch Habitat Restoration 2024
River Cleanup with LA Waterkeeper, Los Angeles, California
ASCE National Convention 2023, Chicago, IL
California Baptist University 2023 CECM Summer Camp, Riverside, California
ASCE Orange County Younger Member Forum Coastal Cleanup Day, Huntington State Beach, California
ASCE Los Angeles Section Dinner with ASCE President-Elect (2023 & 2024) and ASCE Life Member Induction Brunch (2023 & 2024)
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum Heal the Bay Beach Cleanup 2022, Santa Monica, CA
ASCE Los Angeles Section Earth Day Newsletter 2023, Contributor
ASCE Los Angeles Section Earth Day Newsletter 2022, Contributor
California State University, Northridge 2023 Pacific Southwest Symposium, Sustainable Solutions Competition Head Judge
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, Engineers Week 2024 High School Day, Pasta Tower Competition Lead
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, Engineers Week 2024 Girl Scouts Day, Tin Foil Boat Competition Co-Lead
ASCE 25th Student Night & Job Fair, Volunteer
ASCE E-Week Scholarship Grader (2022, 2023, 2024)
ASCE Student Night & Job Fair Scholarship Grader (2023, 2024)
ASCE OC YMF Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition (PSBC) 2024, Volunteer
2022-2023 Co-Professional Development Chair (ASCE LA YMF)
3/25/2022 - Anatomy of Award Winning Civil Engineering Projects Webinar
7/13/2022 - Florida Collapsed Condominium Webinar
8/30/2022 - Recruitment and Navigating Career Changes Webinar
9/7/2022 LA 6th Street Viaduct Replacement Webinar
11/16/2022 Graduate School Panel
1/26/ 2023 ASCE Civil Engineering Certification Committee Information Session
3/2/2023 Golf Performance Lab Clinic Thursday
3/9/2023 Morley Builders Site Visit + HH
3/29/2023 American Society of Golf Course Architects (ASGCA) Webinar Thursday
4/27/2023 LAX Automated People Mover Webinar
5/25/2023 Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant Tour
6/3/2023 Port of Long Beach Tour
6/6/2023 Anatomy of Licensing: Navigating the P.E. Process
7/18/2023 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Virtual Tour
7/28/2023 MWD Jensen Treatment Plant Tour
8/16/2023 Urban Search and Rescue - Turkey/Syria Earthquake Webinar
8/23/2023 LA Metro K-Line Technical Presentation
9/7/2023 The Grand LA Structural Design Lunch & Learn
2022-2023 Membership Chair (ASCE MLAB)
2/7/2023 Broken Shaker Membership Social
5/2/2023 Perch LA Membership Social
7/27/2023 The Beaudry Room - After Awards Night Happy Hour
8/1/2023 End of the Year Celebration at Fogo de Chao 2020-2023 ASCE Los Angeles Sustainability Committee
9/17/2022 Speed Networking with Sustainability Professionals
1/26/2022 LASSC Recruitment Happy Hour
9/22/2021 LCA’s/Embodied Carbon Webinar
10/21/2020 Sustainability, Equity, and Climate Change Webinar
3/23/2024 Speed Networking with Sustainability Professionals
2023 ASCE LA YMF President’s Award
2023 Outstanding ASCE Branch Officer Award
2023 Certificate of Recognition
2023 Chi Epsilon Alumni of the Semester Award
2022 Certificate of Excellence
2019 Chi Epsilon Alumni of the Semester Award
2018 Chi Epsilon Member of the Semester Award
2018 ASCE Certificate of Leadership
2018 ASCE Janusz Supernak Award
2018 ASCE Jeopardy Competition Winner Pacific Southwest Competition Arizona
2017 American Public Works Association Scholarship/Internship Program Recipient
mahsa Sheykhsoltan
Vision Statement
When I started college as a civil engineering major in 2015, I didn’t know what civil engineering was or what I wanted to do in the field. I joined ASCE my very first week of college, and it gave me a community throughout my four years of college and beyond. Through ASCE, I gained many leadership opportunities and experiences, volunteered in my community, built and raced concrete canoes, and met some of my closest friends.
Although civil engineering is such a broad and diverse field, we’re brought together with the common goal of improving our communities and infrastructure. ASCE LA YMF in particular provides programs and events for civil engineers of all backgrounds. Los Angeles is such a large and diverse region with its unique challenges, and our YMF group creates a space for so many of us. We also play an important role in encouraging and developing future generations of civil engineers, especially those who are underrepresented in the profession. As someone who did not know any civil engineers when entering the field, ASCE and YMF have given me professional connections and experiences that I would like to expand to others.
My goal is to continue to grow and develop our YMF chapter as the industry and region also changes. As Vice President, I would support the President and the entire YMF board in all of our outreach efforts and programming. I have served as president of the ASCE at UCLA chapter before, which has given me valuable experience leading an ASCE group. I have great attention to detail and communication skills, which will help me effectively communicate with our members and send out the weekly newsletter. I’ve been involved with LA YMF for a few years now and have a strong understanding of how the organization is run. I am engaged and adaptable and can work with everyone to ensure ASCE LA YMF is as successful as it can be.
ASCE Board/Committees/Positions
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, Graphics Chair (2023-Present)
ASCE at UCLA, Practitioner Advisor (2023-Present)
ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, University Outreach Chair (2022-2023)
ASCE at UCLA, President (2018-2019)
ASCE at UCLA, Conference Coordinator
ASCE at UCLA, Concrete Canoe Project Director (2016-2019)
ASCE at UCLA, Historian (2016-2017)
ASCE at UCLA, Secretary (2016-2017)
Other Applicable Volunteer Activities
HNTB LA Intern Program Manager (2021-Present)
LA YMF Student Night & Job Fair Volunteer (2023, 2024)
Seismic Outreach at UCLA Volunteer (2015-2019)
Daniel Mead Technical Paper (2019)
ASCE Region 9 Distinguished Chapter (2019)
YMF ASCE Student Chapter of the Year (2019)
ASCE Robert Ridgeway Chapter Award (2018)
Concrete Canoe 3rd Place at PSWC (2018)
ASCE Region 9 Distinguished Chapter Award (2017)
Concrete Canoe 2nd Place at PSWC (2017)
Concrete Canoe 1st Place at PSWC (2016)
Isabella salgado
City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering
Vision Statement
My vision for ASCE LA YMF is to increase member engagement and create a space for everyone. When I first joined ASCE LA YMF, I was new to the Los Angeles area and had recently graduated from Syracuse University. At the time, my colleagues were mainly people who had been in the industry for many years and could not provide peer mentorship. Since joining the ASCE LA YMF board, not only has my network expanded significantly, but I've also formed many friendships along the way. I gained the peer connections I was lacking at work by joining ASCE LA YMF.
The year I joined ASCE LA YMF, I had the privilege of serving under the leadership of Claris Purasinghe, whose presidency embodied inclusivity and diversity. The relationships I made that year gave me the motivation to continue volunteering on the board. I will continue to voice the importance of inclusivity and diversity as well as cultivate a community within the board. It is essential to connect with our board members outside of our duties, as these personal connections help with group morale. As Secretary for ASCE LA YMF 2024-2025, I plan to do this by attending more than half of our board events throughout the year and encourage our board to as well.
Last year, I served on the ASCE LA YMF board as Scholarship Co-Chair and this year, I am Social Co-Chair. In these positions, I learned the importance of organization, planning, communication, and collaboration. I enjoy organizing and planning in my personal life as well as in my volunteer positions. I plan to apply these skills in preparing meeting agendas and minutes as well as updating calendar events. My communication skills will help me ensure e-board is effectively connecting with the board and members. I also look forward to reaching out to my connections that I have developed locally and throughout the country to enhance our local younger member forum. Collaborating is essential for the success of an organization to provide a different perspective and share connections to maximize our resources. I am excited to bring my knowledge and experience to next year’s ASCE LA YMF E-board.
ASCE Board/Committees/Positions
ASCE LA YMF Social Activities Co-Chair (2023-2024)
ASCE LA YMF Scholarship Co-Chair (2022-2023)
ASCE Syracuse University Chapter Secretary (2018-2019)
Other Applicable Volunteer Activities
SWE Syracuse University Chapter Secretary (2018-2019)
SWE Syracuse University Chapter Treasurer (2019-2020)
SWE Syracuse University Chapter President (2020-2021)
CMAA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging Committee (2022-2024)
WTS College Outreach Committee (2023-2024)
Attended ASCE DC Legislative Fly-In (2024)
ASCE CYM Corresponding Member (2024-2025)
SWE Membership Growth Award (2021-2022)
bryan orozco
Vision Statement
As Treasurer of ASCE LA YMF, I am committed to ensuring financial stability and effective fund management. My experiences in ASCE UCI Professional Outreach, social chair roles, project management at LADWP, and as ASCE LA YMF Treasurer in 2023 have prepared me for this position.
In my previous 2023 term, I maintained transparent accounts, monitored funds, issued payments, and provided essential information for funding requests. I prepared budgets and reports to support our activities.
I have engaged with professionals, participated in career development opportunities, and collaborated with various organizations. My roles in LADWP-SHPE and the project management office have assisted my financial management and awareness of the importance of funding.
I will continue to ensure financial integrity and support ASCE LA YMF events, contributing to a strong community of young civil engineers. I am grateful to be part of this organization and hope to continue to be of service. Thank you all for your support.
Vision Statement
In high school, nearly a decade after Hurricane Katrina, I traveled to New Orleans to help underserved people rebuild their homes. It was there that I recognized infrastructure’s power in shaping communities, for better or worse. ASCE serves as an important vessel for civil engineers to reflect on our greater impact, and I would like to continue being part of that.
As LA YMF’s treasurer, I would prioritize Section funding and corporate sponsorships by facilitating knowledge sharing between board members and assisting with correspondences. Donations could support our DEI efforts through outreach and scholarships, promoting diversity and improving education in our field. As part of E-Board, I would continue working toward an inclusive and welcoming environment for all. This would entail facilitating relationships between members, laying the groundwork for a tight-knit community. Joining LA YMF introduced me to some of my closest friends and expanded my professional network. I want to help create that opportunity for others.
I’ve spent the past two years on the E-Board for LADWP’s Water Employees’ Club, where I’ve overseen the general board, worked behind-the-scenes, and planned outreach events for 700+ employees. Assisting our treasurers with budgeting, reimbursements, account management, and financial reporting has shown me how vital their role is for any organization’s success; it’s prepared me to complete regular treasurer duties accurately and punctually. In LA YMF, I’ve served as social co-chair and IBD chair; this has taught me how to manage a limited budget while planning diverse, accessible, and fun events. In all leadership positions, I’ve aimed to expand members’ horizons and celebrate underrepresented groups.
As the first woman engineer in my family, many professional opportunities have come from my community’s support. I would be honored to give back as treasurer for ASCE LA YMF – a group that, at its core, unites and uplifts a diverse set of engineers.
ASCE Board/Committees/Positions
ASCE LA YMF Treasurer 2023-2024
ASCE UCI Professional Outreach (2018-2020)
ASCE UCI Steel Bridge Fundraiser Lead (2018 - 2019)
Other Applicable Volunteer Activities
LADWP-SHPE Social Chair 2022-2023
LADWP-SHPE Professional Development Chair 2023-2024
LADWP Water Employees' Club - Social Chair (2023 - 2024)
Global Engineering Brigades Treasurer & Outreach lead (2017-2020)
EERI UCI Structural Lead (2019 - 2020)
EERI UCI Construction Manager (2018-2019)
EERI UCI Treasurer (2016 - 2018)
ASCE Board/Committees/Positions
ASCE LA YMF - Social Activities Co-Chair (2023-2024)
ASCE LA YMF - Inclusion, Belonging, and Diversity Chair (2022-2023)
ASCE at UCLA - Environmental Design Co-Project Manager (2019-2020)
ASCE at UCLA - Environmental Design Project Director (2018-2019)
Other Applicable Volunteer Activities
LADWP Water Employees’ Club - President (2023-2024)
LADWP Water Employees’ Club - Vice President (2022-2023)
LADWP Water Employees’ Club - Community Service Chair (2021-2022)
AWWA at UCLA - Events Coordinator (2018-2019)
ASCE MLAB Outstanding Civil Engineer in Community Service (2023)
ASCE Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Award (2022-2023)
ASCE PSWC Environmental Design Competition (Project Manager) - Second Place (2020)
ASCE PSWC Environmental Design Competition (Project Director) - First Place (2019)