President's Outgoing Message
As my term as president comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we have shared over the past year. This year has been bustling with activity, as ASCE LA YMF hosted dozens of events, each contributing to our mission and bringing our community closer together. At the beginning of our fiscal year, I made a commitment to be present at 80% of all ASCE LA YMF events. If my math is correct, I made it out to 21 of 25 events this year! This meant I got to go to places I would not have ordinarily imagined myself going to, but quickly realized the value of community and making a local impact that form our ASCE LA YMF mission.
None of our accomplishments would have been possible without the tireless efforts of our 30-person board. Your commitment, diverse expertise, and collaborative spirit have been instrumental in steering our organization through both challenges and opportunities. To each board member: thank you for your dedication and hard work. We truly are greater than the sum of our parts, and our collective achievements stand as a testament to the power of teamwork.
I would like to recognize two outstanding individuals who have made an exceptional impact this year. Isabella Salgado and Lluvia López Garcés who made remarkable work in expanding our annual International Women in Engineering Day event. In recognition of their outstanding contributions, I am honored to bestow this year's President's Award upon them. Congratulations, Bella and Lluvia!
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your president. Officially on October 1, Ani Sarkissian will be taking the helm as the new ASCE LA YMF President. As I pass the torch, I eagerly anticipate what she will bring to our organization.
Lastly, thank you all for your support, your passion, and your unwavering commitment to our shared goals. It is with your support, big or small, that makes our ASCE younger member group here in Los Angeles so amazing!
Best regards,
Sam Potts
ASCE LA YMF President 2023-2024