2019 ASCE LA YMF Los Angeles City Hall Drive in

With over 20 members in attendance, ASCE LA Younger Member Forum spent the day at Los Angeles City Hall discussing infrastructure issues with local legislators and public works officials. The annual City Hall Drive-in provides a forum for our engineers to meet with elected officials and advocate for the advancement of infrastructure. Members visited over half the Council District offices advocating ASCE’s Infrastructure Report Card, water and transportation infrastructure as well as preparation for the 2028 Olympics.

In reaching out, ASCE is also able to introduce ourselves and establish relationships for future cooperation. As engineers, we should should always seek opportunities to engage with our communities and provide service in civic affairs for the advancement of our communities: safety, health, and the protection of the environment through practice and advocacy for sustainable development.
The drive-in also provided an opportunity to connect with other ASCE members from across Los Angeles and Orange County. Thank you for all those who came to help us work together to advocate in making Los Angeles a world class city.
Luis Molina, E.I.T. & Marcelino Ascensio, P.E.
Government Affairs Co-Chairs